After 9yrs of giving dancers and other artists a shared home it is unfortunate that we will be closing at the end of April 2024. We wish you all the best and thank you for making Connection Studios a common ground to share your passions and hobbies.

Is Dancing The New Miracle Drug?

Is dancing the new miracle drug?

If you are a Sydneysider I wonder if you have walked into the iconic Argyle on a Wednesday night? Or the Establishment on a Tuesday? On these nights there is something different hanging in the air of these other wise swanky, corporate bars. On these nights the inner city is bombarded by Salsa, Bachata and Kizomba dancers from all walks of life. Their delusionally happy faces and sweaty embraces colour these fancy bars with a new kind of vibe. It’s a tangible happiness that adds that much needed pop of joy into the lives of so many city dwellers.

Right now one in 5 Australians experience a mental health condition in a given year, and almost one in 2 will experience a mental health condition at some point in their lifetime.

(Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2008). National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing: Summary of Results, 2007 (4326.0). Canberra: Australian Bureau of Statistics.)  Looking around the dance floors of Sydney this statistic becomes hard to swallow.

Benefit of Dancing

Whilst there is a time and place for all kinds of treatment for each unique circumstance, the undeniable benefit of dancing for good mental health cannot be praised enough. Whether or not you suffer from depression or anxiety, or would simply like to live a more radiant and joyful life, dancing could be the mystery drug you are looking for.


Ingredients: Salsa, Bachata, Kizomba, Afro, Hip Hop, JFH, Ballet, Contemporary, Merengue, Cumbia, Dance Hall, Afro house, Burlesque, Zouk, Belly Dance, Bollywood, Pole, Jazz etc

Directions of use ( Use for: more joy, happiness, health. Fights off: depression, anxiety, low self esteem, mental health conditions, fatigue, obesity. Side effects: Possible addiction, possible weight loss, clear skin, clear mind, happy mind and body.)
When you start a dance practice, you are inadvertently setting aside time for yourself. In the crazy hustle and bustle of city life, it is no surprise that a lot of our stress comes from simply giving out too much, and leaving little or no time to rejuvenate. Dancing gives us a golden opportunity to do something for ourselves, have fun, and get some endorphins flowing.

Present moment

Dancing brings us back into the present moment. If you think about how many moments a day you spend staring absentmindedly at a screen, at your facebook feed, at your phone, how often are you truly present with yourself and your surroundings. Dancing in itself demands mindfulness. And mindfulness is one of the most beautiful and effective ways to combat stress, depression and anxiety.

Time to Reconnect

Dancing brings us back into our bodies. Unless you have a physically involved occupation or hobby many people spend a large majority of their time disconnected from their bodies. In fact even if you are an active person, stress, anxiety and depression often cause people to disassociate from their bodies and emotions. Dancing gives you a safe space to reconnect with your body and yourself.

Dancing allows self expression and emotional release. It is not uncommon to hear people say ‘dance is my therapy’. Whether you have ‘two left feet’ or not, there is great freedom and relief in being able to let go and flow with music. Our bodies have a high level of intelligence which is often overlooked. Trauma, emotional, and physical scarring which can be held within our cells has the potential to be released and healed through dance.


Dancing gives us a sense of community. Dance communities may start at your local studio, but they quickly expand to include your city, your country and the rest of the world. Dance festivals, parties, classes, and meetups happen all over the world and can bring you rich connections with people you would otherwise never have the chance to meet. There are even groups on facebook to find fellow dancers stranded in airports wanting to dance away their layover times.

Dancing gives you endorphins. The beauty of dance is that it really is the happy drug. Even if you have had a terrible day at the office, or a personal crisis at home, a few hours social dancing is sure to shake you into a better mood.

So what’s the catch?

The only catch to this mystery drug of dancing is ..

Addiction. A healthy drug!

Once you start you may never want to stop. You may become so addicted to the feelings of joy and euphoria which dancing and community bring that  you may become a real dance addict.

If you have been trying to kick your depression or anxiety, or even if you are just having an off day, why not try an alternative approach? Dancing can be used in conjunction with any other treatment you are currently using. There are no dangerous side effects. Mix it with whatever you like. If you are looking to inject a little more spice and joy into your life. My recommendation is the same. Find your closest studio and get that body shaking. That’s what it was designed to do.

Is Dancing The New Miracle Drug?  It’s time to find out for yourself!

~ Genevieve Rogan ~

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