Studio Hire, Dance Classes - Connection Studios Sydney 3
Studio Hire, Dance Classes - Connection Studios Sydney 2

We are more than
just a Dance Studio

For the artist who is dissatisfied with the lack of available space to train their art or class. Connection Studios is a common ground for artists to create, share and grow their talent, offering various clean and modern spaces at times that are convenient to you. Unlike other schools, we promote partnerships and support all our community allowing every artist to be part of our home.

You can run your own meetings, events, workshops, parties, team bonding, coaching sessions, yoga classes, the opportunities are endless.

Dance with Us

We are more than just a Dance Studio

what people say


move your body

Connection Studios Sydney

Check out some of the clips from the many workshops, classes and social nights here at Studios, as well as some of our awesome studio spaces!

Connection Studios


tour our studios

Scenes from our studio