Mental Benefits Of Dancing

Our mental health has been a core issue that is often stigmatised in society. However this stigma has slowly been lifted with the ongoing awareness brought to it and methods of maintaining positive mental health. Everyone has different mental and cognitive ways of thinking with what works for us and what is healthy for us. Physical activity has always been known as one of the top methods to improving your mental and physical health. Dancing specifically can elicit the same feelings and positive benefits.

Dancing has been pinpointed at one of its earliest beginnings in ancient dances in 9000 year old India or 5300 year old Egypt. Since then, dance has been one of the most popularised methods of exercise in the 21st century with styles of dancing ranging from ballet, hip hop, krumping and contemporary – there are constantly new styles of dance being introduced. Dance was created to express emotion, artistic movements and for entertainment.

Statistically, according to Beyond Blue Australia, one in seven Australians will experience depression in their lifetime and One quarter of Australians will experience an anxiety condition in their lifetime.

In today’s article, we will be discussing the mental benefits of dancing.

1. Improves your mood

Dancing, whether it be in a studio or in a bedroom, it is bound to curate a sense of happiness within you! Dancing to your favourite songs – let it be RnB or hip hop, creating a comforting and fun environment allows you to let loose and have fun. Not only does dancing in the comfort of your room get you in a positive mood, you’re also including some essential exercise in your life.

2. Keeps your mind sharp

The complexity yet simplicity of dancing keeps you on your toes and your mind sharp! With continuous practice in dancing, your muscle to mind connection increases exponentially and allows you to have quicker reflexes. You’re mentally and physically able to respond quicker to differing stimuli.

3. Lowers stress and anxiety

The most well known benefit of any form of exercise, and in this case dancing, it lowers stress and anxiety! Expressingly executing all pent up emotions through the art of dance is known to have positive, psychological impacts.

Ways to stay mentally healthy when dancing

1. Don’t compare yourself

Many of us know that comparing ourselves to others may seem innate but is strongly detrimental for our mental health. This places a lot of stress on an individual’s psyche as you are stressed to be someone you are not! It’s okay to be you and exclusively just you. Embrace it!

2. Have fun and enjoy the music

Being able to relax and groove to the music you love and dance to your hearts content will give you a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction with yourself. What’s not to love about dancing to your favourite songs by yourself or even with a group of people?

3. Dance with emotion and expression

Whether professionally dancing or dancing in your bedroom, you are bound to express some sort of emotion when doing so – feelings of joy or even sadness! Not everyone has the same way of expressing emotion, however, dancing is an incredibly healthy way to do so. Never pent up your emotions, talk to someone and release that emotion through dance.

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