After 9yrs of giving dancers and other artists a shared home it is unfortunate that we will be closing at the end of April 2024. We wish you all the best and thank you for making Connection Studios a common ground to share your passions and hobbies.

7 Health Benefits of Dance That You Should Try

Dance your way to Better Health

In the last 5- 10 years we have all seen the Yoga boom flourish. We could talk about the health benefits of Yoga until we are old and grey. However, there is another secret tonic which is just as incredible for your physical, emotional and psychological health. It might be something you have never considered before. And before you start with the age old excuse of having ‘two left feet’, I want to talk about the amazing health benefits of Salsa dancing.

I was hanging out at the studio the other night when I overheard a student mention to one of her teachers that she was about to turn 60. My jaw dropped. This woman was glowing, energised and did not look a day over 40. Now I’m not saying that dance is some kind of wrinkle killing, age suppressing, beautifying miracle drug… Or am I?

So why is dancing good for your health?
1) Incidental exercise

The end game of dancing is not usually fitness in itself, this is just a happy byproduct. When you sign yourself up for a dance class you are so engrossed with learning a new skill, listening to the music, and having fun that it’s only afterward that you will realise your body also got a workout.  Not to mention when you take it to the dance floor at one of the many salsa clubs around the city and worldwide this new skills of yours will see you upping your personal steps a day in excess of 25000 in no time.
A good night out at the Salsa club will have you dancing for hours and hours and actually enjoying it, a small minority of people would actually enjoy doing that in the gym.

2) Stress relief

Many people have picked up dancing as an adult and have found a world of stress relief, fun and rejuvenation outside office hours. Whatever your situation, dancing allows you to express yourself through your body, release stress and have fun. It is the ultimate mood changer and revitalizer.

3) Socialising and Connection

Our health is not limited to our physical being. Our social and mental health is just as important. The social benefits of dancing cannot be praised enough. Taking up dancing will by default put you in touch with a large community. You will be part of a supportive network of people who share the same passion or hobby as you worldwide Being connected in this way does wonders for our health.

4) Memory

According to the New England Journal of Medicine dancing can enhance memory function and prevent dementia. The medical community have even started running trials using Tango dance to help patients with Alzheimer’s.

6) Physical Health

Dancing is beneficial for your whole body. A regular dance practice can help you gain flexibilitybalance and strength. Simultaneously it can assist you in losing weight and stress relief. Dance is great for your cardiovascular health and will overall leave you feeling more energised and alert.

Still feeling like dancing may fall a little outside your comfort zone? That leads us to health benefit number 7.

7) Personal challenge and growth

Whether you are a seasoned professional or total beginner, dance will always have the capacity to take you outside your comfort zone and allow you to grow. What is better for your health than the sense of growth, achievement, and expansion?

So what are you waiting for?

See you on the dance floor.

~ Genevieve Rogan ~

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